Capture My Chicago - Vote for my work news article: Planck Studios Chicago Prints and Photos

Capture My Chicago - Vote for my work

CBS publishes a book of Chicago photos chosen by you

Posted Oct 12, 2009

Hey this is exciting!

CBS 2 is putting on a photo contest for the purpose of finding the absolute best photos of the Chicago area, then publishing them in a fine-art coffee-table book.

They're calling it Capture My Chicago. It's all free and I hope you can support me by taking a minute to sign up and vote for my work.

I've submitted 19 of my prints to the contest and I'm off to a great start. You can view my submissions here.

What's unique about this contest is that you are in the drivers seat, voting for the photos you think should be in the book.

By voting for me, you'll be helping me get some great publicity and (if I get enough votes) some cash money prizes. Not to mention there are a ton of talented photographers with work up, so you're bound to discover some new sides of Chicago. Careful though, it's addictive once you start...

  1. You have to register via email (you can opt out of all further contact)
  2. You can can vote a photo up, down, favorite and/or comment on it
  3. Voting ends Friday at noon, so vote early and vote often Chicago!